Why is your website so important, and what is your purpose?
Your website is your most important digital asset. The website is the first people go to learn about your products and services and find information about your businesses. Although your social media accounts are so important, your website is your home base online. Your website is your digital sales representative and customer service, working 24/7 without the hassle of calling in sick.
In this video, you can learn more about the jobs theory.
Job's Theory

Somehow known as ” the jobs to be done framework ” that Clayton Christensen developed at Harvard Business School, this is a helpful way to look at customer needs focusing on their motivation. It is an idea of the jobs to be done in their life and hiring the best website designer or developer on the service. Also, a question to ask yourself is what the website’s job is hired to do.
Authority Site
If you are in the field of search engine optimization, this word is familiar to your ears. An authority site is an electronic version of someone in authority, making website designers or owners an expert at their services. Ensure that there are professional website design ideas and that the brand identity is more apparent. For example, think about a store where you will be looking for an expert since they are more credible for the information they will be telling you, which means gaining trust is also somewhat what we call authority. An authority site should have experience as an expert since viewers will be asking questions about the content on your website. They should be able to be satisfied with the answers on your authority site because, remember, an expert is always trusted and is credible in their expertise.
Building an authoritative website will not be easy and fast. The process won’t be overnight results. It won’t be a plug-and-play process. Also, it will take time to have winning website designs that can easily be searched using search engines. Making an authoritative website needs trust, which is shown by backlinks or “Backlinks.” Create a website with backlinks since these will give you good search engine optimization from Google, which is how backlinks prove things.
An authority website would earn passive income and last for years, so website designers should have the best graphic design to maintain their reputation and gather more viewers. This would be a unique website. It also needs a process to have the right research and professional skill level words to build an authoritative website.
Remember that Authority Site
Would be a referenced
Would have credibility
Would be bookmarked by others
Would be Recommended by others
It would be a reference to and from other sites
Brand Script
A brand Story or brand script is a framework that helps you improve your business by identifying your main character, the conflict, and the resolution in critical detail. It is also a popular messaging tool designed to enhance your business marketing strategy by clarifying your message.
Implementing it on your website is difficult, but you just need to go to the framework in order.
Here are the 7 basic framework
A Character (your customer)
Our story begins when we meet the main character and provide his information, the hero should always be the customer, and we are the guide. Your brand message and story must center on the Hero and what the Hero wants.
Has a Problem (they need to solve)
As the word says Problem, the problem should be shown on the homepage of every website, and make sure that this should be clear and understandable to the viewers.

In this picture, you can see how clear the problems are displayed on their website, and below it, you can also see the 3 main reasons why it will hurt the company. This may be a simple web page design, but it is effective.
And Meets a Guide (your business)
This is the part where you in your business will be introduced. There is no need for a great graphic design; just make sure to input the benefits over the features of your business in simple words.

In this picture, as we talk about story brand, we make sure that empathy and authority are always present. In the first part of Dr. Joe’s introduction, you can see that there is empathy where he relates to and empathizes with the readers. The 2nd paragraph shows a solid authority, and this is the perfect guide section where he talks about himself and just as the story brand suggests.
It is different if you are introducing your company as a guide.

This is the best example of a guide section on a company’s website. Make sure to put on steps to avail or use your service. Make sure your single-page guide section has steps with numbers because putting numbers in your actions help in an effective guide section. Our brain recognizes patterns, so we provide the brand presence with a pattern to be recognized. When it does that, it releases dopamine, which helps identify the pattern, but the brain may not recognize it if you don’t put numbers. Also, even if it is in order but if there isn’t any number, the brain will be thinking more and may take time, so make sure to put it in numbers.
Who Gives Them a Plan (your solutions)
This section is where we can answer customer questions. This is the part of the web where professional information will be displayed. Make sure that it is concise and clear without any geographical boundaries.
And Calls Them to Action (to start the buying process)
This is the section where you create buttons for the customer to click on what to do. Make sure the buttons are clear on the web since it should lure customers to click on them. Answering the question, what is the offer, what do people get?
That Ends in Success
Every company has design options as to what to do with their design on their project. Every project has a time budget to ensure that all the information on the web is understandable. Make sure that at the end of every story, brand customers can get the company’s products and services.
And Helps Them Avoid Failure (what would happen if they don't buy)
This is the best example of this section wherein it displayed the failure if you don’t buy their product or services of the company.

To get more revenue for the company, instead of hiring freelance web designers, Story branding is one of the most effective ways to gain customers through this project. Without professional website design, we can increase traffic and convert to sales by following the framework’s order.
Understanding Sales Copy Ecosystem
An E-commerce company should be able to write a persuasive text written project to sway consumers into taking specific action. It can be used to persuade into buying their product, availing of their services, or signing up by clicking on the call to action button displayed on the web.
9 components of a compelling sales copy
In this video below, Alex will provide the steps to write a compelling sales copy.
A strategically-written attention-grabbing statement with a sole purpose. To lure consumers into a company service, make sure to write a hot topic where a consumer will turn their heads and focus on the headline you wrote. Within the case of composing deals duplicate, the objective of the feature is to provoke your prospect’s interest sufficient to urge them to proceed to peruse or tune in.
The S-hook
As you begin your sales message, you should create a loop of content with a hook concept without provoking any emotion to engage you. In copywriting, the hook is any idea that hooks the viewer’s interest.
The problem
Make sure your project addresses the customer’s problem and let them know you are here with them. There is a wide spectrum of opinions on how much pain-focused marketing should be used.
The offer
The most obvious component of a compelling offer is the actual offer. One thing to remember is that the value is always more significant than the price. The ideal prospect should happily pay for the solution you’re offering. 2 ways to create this gap are premium and discount. A great offer includes both, maximizing that price/value gap.
The solution that answers the question of what you are offering the benefits is the one that will answer why you should buy the service or product of the company. This is the perfect time to overcome potential objections your prospect might have. Also, you always want to promise some sort of immediate benefit.
Social proof
Allaying your prospect’s fears creates massive trust and builds authority. Showcasing reviews, testimonials, and social media comments. Incorporate as much of this as conceivable all through your deals duplicate message and more intensely at the clear point of discussion, like right sometime recently you show an offer on the shopping cart page. To have an effective outcome, always use actual social proof because it will be determined if you use dummy comments.
When demand is greater than supply, in marketing, the principle of making products or services seems limited in some way. FOMO is the real deal and is the precise reason we use scarcity in sales and marketing. Scarcity is another reason why customers should buy right now.
Risk Reversal
In getting off the fence, we should create a trust that we really need to share all the stuff that just makes good business sense – your guarantee, payment terms, and purchase expectations. People always want to hear what will happen next, like how safe and secure their order is and how and when they can expect to receive their purchase.
A call to action
Needing to tell the prospect what to do next and provide a call to action button. There should be a clear call to action in sales copy on your website. Be sure to have a multiple CTA that can be seen in every scroll on the web.
User Experience Design
Client Involvement, truncated as UX, is the region of a web plan wherein the proficient works on improving the total encounter a client has with a company, its items, or administrations.

There are a lot of factors for UX Design, but these 3 are the most critical factors that a company should take note of since these UX design processes will be able to lure user psychology to purchase your service or product.
Tens of thousands of people will always look at the usefulness side of a product before buying a product. First in mind, they will think about its use of it and what is the use of that specific product or service in their lives before checking other websites. Next is ensuring that usability will always be present in that product if it is more comfortable. Lastly, potential customers will always go for top designers’ products since they are more attractive and pleasant to the eyes.
Direct and Indirect CTA's
Being persuasive is a skill that needs development in a call to action, but there are only 2 types of how to close a speech.
Direct call to action
In a direct close, you ask specifically for the action that you want your buyers to do, “vote for me”, “sign up” or “buy me”. It is pretty aggressive and has a clear idea of what you would like your audience to do.
Indirect call to action
An indirect close reminds the audience of the pain that they suffer until they need to do their action. Provide the reason if they won’t click on the call to action. For example, what would be the consequences if the audience won’t buy the product?
Writing content is easy, but writing effective content will be much more effective, especially on the search engine ranking. Focusing on the keyword that will make a good ranking from other websites. Great ideas of content, especially high-quality designs on your website. Get the most attractive logo for your website. Most people don’t want to read a project that has 3000 words. Would you think they would read 3000 words? No, they just want to see a good logo with a good animation or a good video to watch. Good web design can also impact the content of the article.
Professional content writers always use concise paragraphs in writing a business article. Summarize the most important words using keywords that rank on search engine optimization. So hiring the best web designers will impact a good website. They will have more design options so that your project will be an excellent website with good page design.
Also in writing content for an article, we should write on the headlines first and don’t miss the 5 W and 1 H questions. Budget your word counts, choose the best header for your project, and breakdown all the subheadings so that the information will be subdivided and categorized to the right topics. By this, your project will be much more effective since viewers will get the gist of it.
TRAP (Technical, Relevancy, Authority, Popularity)
Choosing the right keyword is the most important way to rank on google. There are keywords that can get you a lot of traffic but aren’t used, so we should go to a keyword that can also get relevant traffic. What is the use of getting lots of traffic but zero sales compared to few traffic but surely converts? So we need to focus on conversion.

Ubersuggest, You can use this website for keywords, ideas, and reports to where how Google views your website and how to have development on the ranking on your website. There is a feature where you will input the URL of your website and the title of your article, and then ubersuggest will provide the keywords you can use to optimize your website. Optimizing your website will gain you a percentage to raise the ranking of your website. E-commerce businesses should always be on top of the food chain to have more customers but if your website can’t be searched easily on google then strangers can’t notice how the effectiveness of your articles.
What ubersuggest will do is break down all the necessary keywords potentially rates on your website and how Google views your site. First, start with the keyword within that report that potentially fits the business, so once you will be popular you will get more and more keywords that will help sustain the ranking of your business website.
Content management system, building the database by HTML, javascript, or CSS and all the interfaces before starting your website from scratch. So if you are building a website for someone that isn’t tech savvy with a budget. You might want to use the whole process of CMS since CMS provides the tools to manage content and apply product photos and extensive experience for your landing pages. Ready layouts from other designers’ website applications to some point, there are CMS platforms designed for web development design for general web development or general website or vlog.
Examples of CMS
It’s a CMS that might be complicated since you will be building your CMS from scratch. This is a very powerful CMS in terms of structure. It seems messy and won’t follow the modern architecture of a website, but it’s been kept updated and there are plenties of plugins that you can find any plugins that can fit anything. You can also capture leads using WordPress and plugins to build membership areas for your users.
Another example of a CMS is Tumblr. It is a CMS combined with social media and builds your weblog as a platform with deep integrated social capabilities. Tumblr has its themes but is not as advanced as WordPress since it isn’t open source, so you can’t change its functionality. One good thing about this is that it has a lot of good traffic; it gets people’s attention whether you put it out there rather than if you self-host your WordPress-based website.
You can click on this video to watch for more information on CMS.
A CMS without a database is very portable since you can just copy it from a different directory on a different domain. A new CMS that is removing the need for a database. It uses text files instead of using a database in place.
If you are building a website, you can use WordPress since it has a majority of plugins and themes, as mentioned above.
Measuring Performance
Listing all statistics will help the development of a business’s progress. Not every set of data is not sufficient to help us make a good decision. A good metrics system must provide effectiveness, efficiency, and adaptability information. Humans are addicted to metrics that will aid them in good decisions. There are a lot of mobile apps for mobile devices that can measure statistics. There will be stock images for metrics and computes on how we help humans decide. Overall measuring performance helps build website optimization and also the website’s progress in converting traffic to sales.
Hiring a web designer for your business
Getting a freelance web designer for your website will surely hit your marks. One of the top paying jobs is web developers. Top website designers since we all knew that most money already come out online since it is more convenient to use and faster to transact. That is why there is plenty of web design contest for higher-priced packages as a prize since creating design projects are really in demand, and design knowledge will always be a skill set to build a website. Some people already use mobile phones, and many web developers also have skills in app design which is more portable than the computer itself. Web design makes your business attractive and is more efficient than writing a 4000 words article. So before hiring a web designer, let them use their graphic design and decide if these folks will suit your business’s goal and your idea as a marketing manager.